..................................................................under construction...................................................................
Feltárás az el-Hoha domb déli oldalán a TT 184 számú sír (Nefermenu) körzetében – 2014 , Orpheus Noster VIII. évf. 2016/2., 7-44. → http://www.kre.hu/portal/doc/orpheus/orpheus_noster_2016_2_press_05.02.pdf
1. Research and cleaning of the paintings in TT 185 (Seny-iqer);
2. Collating previous year’s d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the forecourt of TT 184 (Nefermenu) excavated last year, further excavation in its area, once covered by B e t Boghdady;
3. Epigraphic survey and d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the decoration elements of TT 184 exposed in 2012;
4. Further d o c u m e n t a t i o n procedures and analysis of previous years’ finds.
More about the season -> link
Feltárás az el-Hoha domb déli oldalán a TT 184 számú sír (Nefermenu) körzetében – 2013→ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7pgRv_AmSzYTWM1Q2h0SUUtT2c
->Wall removal in TT184_Photos
-> Deatails of the wall paintings in TT185_Photos
Attempts of Reconstruction of an Eighteenth Dynasty Mud Brick Mortuary Chapel in the Theban Necropolis
Report 2015 in Hungarian -> link
-> finds 2015
Report 2014 in Hungarian -> link
-> finds 2014
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2013 |
2. Collating previous year’s d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the forecourt of TT 184 (Nefermenu) excavated last year, further excavation in its area, once covered by B e t Boghdady;
3. Epigraphic survey and d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the decoration elements of TT 184 exposed in 2012;
4. Further d o c u m e n t a t i o n procedures and analysis of previous years’ finds.
More about the season -> link
Feltárás az el-Hoha domb déli oldalán a TT 184 számú sír (Nefermenu) körzetében – 2013→ https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7pgRv_AmSzYTWM1Q2h0SUUtT2c
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2012 |
The western part of the huge mud brick construction called B e t Boghdady, a 20th century country house was pulled down in March 2009, however, the eastern part of the house had been whitewashed together with one of the façade reliefs of Seny-iqer (TT 185), one of the most ancient monuments in the Theban necropoleis, the year before. This part of the house is still there, thus excavation in the forecourt of TT 185 is not possible. The inhabitants of B e t Boghdady had included TT 185 in their abode, and no research had been possible in and around the tomb before. Similarly, the eastern (“N”) half of the broad hall in TT 184 (Nefermenu) belonged to the house, forming a separate room blocked with a brick wall from other, already investigated parts of TT 184, and it could only be approached from TT 185. As last year the inner parts of TT 185, this very precious, rock cut tomb could eventually be excavated, surveyed and partly restored, leading to the discovery of the remains of a monumental painting, the actual strategies of the 2012 season were at least partly modified regarding the priorities and the previously scheduled order of the w o r k.
The research areas were in 2012:
1. Research and cleaning of the paintings in TT 185 (Seny-iqer);
2. Excavation in the eastern (“N”) part of the broad hall in TT 184 (Nefermenu);
3. Epigraphic survey and d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the newly exposed decoration elements of TT 184;
4. Collating previous year’s d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the forecourt of TT 184 (Nefermenu) excavated last year, and further excavation in its area, once covered by B e t Boghdady;
5. Further d o c u m e n t a t i o n procedures and analysis of previous years’ finds.
More about the season ->Season 2012_Photos2. Excavation in the eastern (“N”) part of the broad hall in TT 184 (Nefermenu);
3. Epigraphic survey and d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the newly exposed decoration elements of TT 184;
4. Collating previous year’s d o c u m e n t a t i o n of the forecourt of TT 184 (Nefermenu) excavated last year, and further excavation in its area, once covered by B e t Boghdady;
5. Further d o c u m e n t a t i o n procedures and analysis of previous years’ finds.
->Wall removal in TT184_Photos
-> Deatails of the wall paintings in TT185_Photos
Attempts of Reconstruction of an Eighteenth Dynasty Mud Brick Mortuary Chapel in the Theban Necropolis
A 18. dinasztia idején épült vályogtégla szentély rekonstrukciós kísérletei_MS
1. Clearing the rest of the ruins of B e t Bogdady, and collecting information on the façades and open forecourts of TT 184 (Nefermenu) and TT 185 (Seny-iqer).
2. Excavation in TT 185 (Seny-iqer). This rock-cut tomb is one of the most ancient decorated burial places known in the Theban necropolis. While TT 186 (Ihy), TT 405 (Khenty) and TT 413 (Unis-ankh) could be at least partly excavated, this tomb, owing to the resistance of the inhabitants has never been described. This can only be possible now that the western part of B e t Bogdady is pulled down.
3. Surveying the newly exposed areas for possible future excavation;
4. Conservation procedures of the painted fragments of the mud brick chapel found three years ago in the forecourt of TT 413 (Unis-ankh);
5. Investigation of human remains found in earlier seasons.
Further research activities including restoration, documentation and analysis of previous years’ finds.
Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the upper section of the south slope of el-Khokha - 2008 (Hungarian Archaeological Mission)
Paintings of a mud brick chapel from the 18th dynasty in the Theban necropolis, Acta Ant. Hung. 50, 2010
1. Epigraphic and architectural research in the rock cut part of TT 184 (Nefermenu, Ramesside);
2. Architectural survey and excavation in the upper section of El-Khoha hillock;
3. Analysis of previous years’ and actual smaller and fragmentary finds (wooden fragments, shabtis, cartonnage fragments, beads and other faience objects, funerary cones), and completing their documentation;
4. Clearing and rescue restoration of the above objects, cleaning, sorting, treating documenting the pottery obtained in the upper sections of the hillock;
Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha hillock-2005, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarianum Hungaricae 58, 2007
1. Epigraphic work in the rock cut part of TT 184 (Nefermenu, Ramesside);
2. Excavation between the superstructures of TT 32 (Djehutymes) and that above TT 184 / 241 (Jahmes);
3. Restoration of mural elements in TT 184, and of minor objects found in earlier seasons;
4. Completing the documentation of earlier smaller finds;
5. GPS mapping of the southern slope of El-Khokha hillock;
6. Comparative studies and photo documentation of the architectural features and decoration in contemporary rock cut tombs.
1. Present state of the monument and surroundings;
2. Excavation above TT 184, around the superstructure (in front of TT 205 and Tomb -43-);
3. Discovery of the shaft of TT 205 and a structure, probably a ramp;
4. Architectural restoration: removal of the blocking wall and edifices in the third; chamber (offering room), restoring original connection with the sloping passage
5. Restoration of minor objects (wood, textile);
6. Epigraphic work;
7. Comparative studies and recording similar architectural and thematic features in TT 23, TT 189, TT 194, TT 264 and TT 387.
4. Epigraphic documentation:
1. Tracing of the mural representations and inscriptions to be continued and the results of the last seasons’ collated;
2. Further study of the inscribed stone fragments found in and around TT 184;
3. Establishing the position and plan of the presumable sloping passage;
4. Research and clearing of the inaccessible parts of the tomb (forecourt and east part of the transverse hall) - without disturbing the inhabitants of Bet Boghdady, or with their collaboration;
5. The unexcavated pit in the transverse hall was to be cleared or excavated.
1. Establishing the situation of the actually inaccessible parts of TT 184, and clearing as much as circumstances allowed;
2. Documentation - epigraphic and photographic - of the mural decoration, including the inscribed stone fragments identified as coming from TT 184;
3. Restoration in at least one part of the tomb where the rock was dangerous, expected to collapse if not consolidated;
4. Further research in the chronological context of the tombs situated on the south slope of the Khokha hillock.
1. Clearing of the actually accessible parts of TT 184;
2. the inscribed stone fragments piled up in the rubble cleared from the tomb were roughly classified;
3. the main architectural features of TT 184 were surveyed;
4. a photographic documentation of the actual state of the mural decoration was begun;
5. the representations and inscriptions were mapped and partly recorded for preliminary epigraphic studies; - the tomb’s and its owner’s position was established in the chronological context of the cemetery.
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2011 |
2. Excavation in TT 185 (Seny-iqer). This rock-cut tomb is one of the most ancient decorated burial places known in the Theban necropolis. While TT 186 (Ihy), TT 405 (Khenty) and TT 413 (Unis-ankh) could be at least partly excavated, this tomb, owing to the resistance of the inhabitants has never been described. This can only be possible now that the western part of B e t Bogdady is pulled down.
3. Surveying the newly exposed areas for possible future excavation;
4. Conservation procedures of the painted fragments of the mud brick chapel found three years ago in the forecourt of TT 413 (Unis-ankh);
5. Investigation of human remains found in earlier seasons.
Further research activities including restoration, documentation and analysis of previous years’ finds.
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2010 |
There is one radical change in the site: a part of B e t Bogdady, a modern county house built of mud bricks, has been pulled down. The other part of the house that was whitewashed together with the façade relief of the Old Kingdom monument of Seny-iqer (TT 185) two years ago is still proudly standing in its place.
In respect of this radical change, the progress of the research and the actual strategies of the season have been modified regarding the preferences and the scheduled order of the work.
1. Clearing the ruins of the house called B e t Bogdady from the debris, and collecting information on the façades of TT 184 (Nefermenu) and TT 185 (Seny-iqer),
2. clearing in the earlier exposed part of the forecourt in TT 412 (Qen-Amun),
3. excavation west of the painted mud brick mortuary chapel exposed in earlier seasons,
4. documentation of the mud brick chapel and conservation procedures of its painted fragments.
3. excavation west of the painted mud brick mortuary chapel exposed in earlier seasons,
4. documentation of the mud brick chapel and conservation procedures of its painted fragments.
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2009 |
1. Excavation in the Saff tomb and the related monuments,
2. the sloping passage of Tomb (Kampp) -43-, and
3. the area of B e t Bogdady.
Further research activities have also been carried out, such as the restoration, documentation and analysis of previous years’ finds; and mostly documentation and administrative preparation for an exhibition on the work of the Hungarian Archaeological Missions in the Theban Necropolis, which is to be held in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo during the autumn of this year. More about the exhibition -> Hungarian Excavation in the Theban Necropolis- Celebration of 102 years of fieldwork in Egypt- EXHIBITION
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2008 |
1. Excavation, architectural survey and systematic restoration in the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha including TT 204, 205, 206, Tombs (Kampp) -41-, -42-, -43- and further related monuments explored in past seasons, including the above mentioned saff tomb.
2. Analysis, restoration and recording of finds excavated in the earlier and the present seasons.
Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the upper section of the south slope of el-Khokha - 2008 (Hungarian Archaeological Mission)
Paintings of a mud brick chapel from the 18th dynasty in the Theban necropolis, Acta Ant. Hung. 50, 2010
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2007 |
1. Excavation, architectural survey and systematic restoration in the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha including TT 204, 205, 206, Tombs (Kampp) -41-, -42-, -43- and further related monuments explored in past seasons.
2. Analysis, restoration and recording of finds excavated in the earlier and the present seasons.
2. Analysis, restoration and recording of finds excavated in the earlier and the present seasons.
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2006 |
1. Epigraphic recording and collation in TT 184.
3. Excavation, architectural survey and systematic restoration in the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha including TT 204, 205, 206, Tombs (Kampp) -41-, -42-, -43- and further related monuments explored in past seasons.
3. Excavation, architectural survey and systematic restoration in the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha including TT 204, 205, 206, Tombs (Kampp) -41-, -42-, -43- and further related monuments explored in past seasons.
4. Analysis, restoration and recording of finds excavated in the earlier and the present seasons.
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2005 |
2. Architectural survey and excavation in the upper section of El-Khoha hillock;
3. Analysis of previous years’ and actual smaller and fragmentary finds (wooden fragments, shabtis, cartonnage fragments, beads and other faience objects, funerary cones), and completing their documentation;
4. Clearing and rescue restoration of the above objects, cleaning, sorting, treating documenting the pottery obtained in the upper sections of the hillock;
Theban Tomb 184 (Nefermenu) and the upper section of the south slope of El-Khokha hillock-2005, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarianum Hungaricae 58, 2007
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2004 |
2. Excavation between the superstructures of TT 32 (Djehutymes) and that above TT 184 / 241 (Jahmes);
3. Restoration of mural elements in TT 184, and of minor objects found in earlier seasons;
4. Completing the documentation of earlier smaller finds;
5. GPS mapping of the southern slope of El-Khokha hillock;
6. Comparative studies and photo documentation of the architectural features and decoration in contemporary rock cut tombs.
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2003 |
2. Excavation above TT 184, around the superstructure (in front of TT 205 and Tomb -43-);
3. Discovery of the shaft of TT 205 and a structure, probably a ramp;
4. Architectural restoration: removal of the blocking wall and edifices in the third; chamber (offering room), restoring original connection with the sloping passage
5. Restoration of minor objects (wood, textile);
6. Epigraphic work;
7. Comparative studies and recording similar architectural and thematic features in TT 23, TT 189, TT 194, TT 264 and TT 387.
1. Digging activities, including further research of the superstructure explored and hypothetically identified as a pyramid of the tomb-temple in the 2001 season: examination around the base of the south-western corner and the possible remains of the pavement in front (south) of the structure, above the façade level of TT 241;
2. Epigraphic documentation:
- collating the tracings of the mural decoration: Axial Hall, “north” (=east) wall,
- continuing the tracing of the mural decoration Axial Hall, “south” (=west) wall,
3. Restoring activities, including cartonnage and wooden fragments;
4. Comparative studies in two further monuments: TT 23 (Tjay) and TT 264 (Ipiy).
1. Digging activities, including the excavation of Shaft I in the Transverse Hall, and research of the possible superstructure (pyramid ?) of the tomb-temple, with the excavation on the upper level of the southern slope of the Khokha hillock in the axis of the monument;
2. Photographic documentation;
3. Epigraphic documentation:
3. Epigraphic documentation:
- collating the tracings of the mural decoration,
- continuing the tracing of the mural decoration,
- continuing the documentation of the stone fragments already classified.
4. Restoring activities, including stone, cartonnage and wooden fragments.
1. Excavation of the Sloping Passage;
2. Research and excavation of the rear wall of the Offering Room (Chapel or Room III) and the Shrine or Niche, the latter actually below and behind the threshold of TT 241 (Ahmose, time Hatshepsut);
3. Research of the possible superstructure (pyramid ?) of the tomb-temple, with the excavation on the upper level of the southern slope of the Khokha hillock in the axis of the monument;
4. Epigraphic documentation:
- Collating the tracings of the mural decoration;
- Continuing the documentation of the stone fragments already classified.
1. Epigraphic work to be continued:
1. Epigraphic work to be continued:
- Tracings to be made of the mural decorattion in the axial corridor (Chamber II);
- The drawings made during the previous seasons were to be collated;
- The study and reconstruction of the decoration of the stone fragments;
- The sloping passage and the burial chamber,
- The east half of the transverse hall, actually in the modern house called Bet Boghdady,
- The forecourt, which at present also belongs to the above mentioned edifice.
1. Tracing of the mural representations and inscriptions to be continued and the results of the last seasons’ collated;
2. Further study of the inscribed stone fragments found in and around TT 184;
3. Establishing the position and plan of the presumable sloping passage;
4. Research and clearing of the inaccessible parts of the tomb (forecourt and east part of the transverse hall) - without disturbing the inhabitants of Bet Boghdady, or with their collaboration;
5. The unexcavated pit in the transverse hall was to be cleared or excavated.
1. Establishing the situation of the actually inaccessible parts of TT 184, and clearing as much as circumstances allowed;
2. Documentation - epigraphic and photographic - of the mural decoration, including the inscribed stone fragments identified as coming from TT 184;
3. Restoration in at least one part of the tomb where the rock was dangerous, expected to collapse if not consolidated;
4. Further research in the chronological context of the tombs situated on the south slope of the Khokha hillock.
1. Clearing of the actually accessible parts of TT 184;
2. the inscribed stone fragments piled up in the rubble cleared from the tomb were roughly classified;
3. the main architectural features of TT 184 were surveyed;
4. a photographic documentation of the actual state of the mural decoration was begun;
5. the representations and inscriptions were mapped and partly recorded for preliminary epigraphic studies; - the tomb’s and its owner’s position was established in the chronological context of the cemetery.